Lapse Artwork
For more Lapse-related artwork, including sketches and concept work, check out the Lapse Tumblr.
Guest & Gift Art
Some of the Lapse-related gifts and fan art I've received from you lovely, lovely people! Thank you all so much! ♥
The newest additions are highlighted!
by Alfafilly
by Alexa Cain
by Alexa Cain
by Del
by Del
by Del
by Riana Dorsey
by Riana Dorsey
by Riana Dorsey
by Riana Dorsey
by Dorian Grey
by Varethane
by Varethane
by Zurgyheaven
For more Lapse fan art, check out the Lapse Tumblr. If you've made something Lapse-related that you'd like me to see, tag it "#lapse comic"!
Odds & Ends
- Guest Ghost Stories - Ghostly encounters by Lapse readers.
- Lapse TVtropes page - Fan maintained.
- Alyssa's Spotify Playlists - Includes playlists I use to get in the groove to create Lapse-shaped things.